Want to edit your content yourself, just need someone with a nice camera and experience to help shoot it? No problem. Prep: 30-minute Vision Call, Schedule Shoot
Shoot: 1-2 Hours
On-Site / Ext. Location (>30 min. drive time adds cost)
At Studio
Delivery: 1-3 Business Days*, Download Link (Vimeo, Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.)
20-30 B-Roll "Clips"
4-10 Quick Interviews (e.g. Client Satisfaction, Staff / Crew Experience, Advertising, etc.)
*Additional, if applicable:
Professional Audio / Post-Production Sound (e.g. interviews, sound fx)
Extra Color-Correction / Color Grading (more than standard)
"Video Magic" (e.g. "photoshopping" or removing background objects, graphics, etc.)
Alternates (e.g. horizontal & vertical versions, highly stylized)
Phyical Storage Drive (if large data files)